Boy or Girl

Monday, February 11, 2008

Gender selection

First of all we need to realize that there is no way to guarantee that we can determine the sex of your baby, but what we can do is look at the theory of conception and the male sperm in order to try to determine what the possible outcome of the sex of your baby may be. There is a difference between sperm that makes boys and sperm that makes girls.

According to this sex selection theory, the environment there is more alkaline, making easier for male sperm to survive. Female sperm are able to withstand acidic environments.

Here is what we do know:

A baby is conceived when the sperm (produced by the father) fertilises the egg (produced by the mother). Men produce two different types of sperm cells, the X-chromosome (female) and Y-chromosome (male).

There is a difference between sperm that makes boys and sperm that makes girls. The y-sperms are smaller, weaker, but faster than their siblings x-sperms, which are bigger, stronger, but slower. While all a woman’s eggs carry an X chromosome. When an X-bearing sperm fertilizes an egg, the child will be female, while a Y-bearing sperm will result in a boy.

A woman's monthly cycle is measured from the first day of her menstrual period until the first day of her next period. On average, a woman's cycle normally is between 28-32 days, but some women may have much shorter cycles (possible lasting only 21 days) or much longer ones (lasting up to 35 days). Cycles that are shorter or longer than this are probably not normal, and you should see your family doctor.

The time of ovulation is one of the most important things a woman should understand about her body, since it is the determining factor in getting pregnant and preventing pregnancy. Ovulation means when one or more eggs are released from one of your ovaries into the fallopian tubes. This is the most fertile time of your menstrual cycle.

A woman cannot ovulate more than once during each cycle, therefore she cannot get pregnant more than once during a cycle. The egg travels through the fallopian tube towards the uterus. If sperm penetrates the egg, the fertilized egg will attach to the lining of the uterus and begin to grow. If fertilization does not happen the egg breaks apart.

Your fertile period starts about 3-4 days before ovulation, and ends about 24 hours after it. This is because sperm can live in your body for approximately 3 to 4 days depending on conditions, and the egg can live for 12 to 24 hours after being released.

The length of time from the beginning of menstruation up to ovulation can vary. Ovulation is often delayed at times of stress, during lactation and at pre-menopause.

On this one day of ovulation in the cycle, one or more ova may become available for fertilization. The ovum lives for no more than 24 hours, and the sperm cells for a variable time. In the absence of satisfactory mucus the sperm cells are unlikely to survive beyond an hour or so, but with the support of good cervical mucus they may survive for up to 2 or 3 days, even rarely 4 or 5 days.

The Ovulation Cycle Divided into Two Parts:

It is important to realize that the first part of the menstrual cycle (This phase starts the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP) and continues until ovulation) is called the follicular phase and is different in every woman and can even change from month to month. The variation usually occurs from 13 to 20 days long. The last half of the cycle (the luteal phase) is usually more similar for every woman; because there are about 14 days from day of ovulation until the start of the next period (It usually lasts about 14 days and does not vary by more than a day in each person.).

You can calculate the time of ovulation within your cycle by subtracting the length of your luteal phase from the length of your cycle. For example, if your cycle is 28 days long and your luteal phase is 12 days long, the ovulation will occur on day 16 of your cycle (28-12=16). The exact time of ovulation may vary within your cycle, because ovulation can be delayed by a number of factors such as stress, illness, diet, or increased physical activity. Consequently, ovulation can occur at various times during a cycle, and may occur on a different day each month. It is important to track your cycle; there are methods to help you to determine your expected ovulation.

Top tip: When you are trying to get pregnant, make a note of each day you start your period. It will help your GP and midwife to work out when you became pregnant. It could also save you problems later on when you are wondering if this baby really is late, or actually bang on time!

Determining the Time of Ovulation:

1. Basal body temperature method:

The steps below can help you as you begin to track your temperature and identify when you are ovulating.

Step 1: Take your temperature orally each morning before you become active.

Step 2: Use a basal thermometer that recognizes small changes in your temperature. Your body temperature will only rise between 0.4 and 1 degree Fahrenheit when you ovulate.

Step 3: Record you temperature every day on your fertility tracking calendar.

If you record it every day, you will see that prior to ovulation your temperature is rather consistent. As you get closer to ovulation, you may have a slight decline, but it will be followed by a sharp increase after ovulation. The increase in temperature is the sign that ovulation has just occurred. Because the increase happens after you have ovulated. Illness, lack of sleep, and alcohol or drug use can affect your temperature and make it difficult to establish an accurate reading.

2. Cervical mucus method:

There are many different types of vaginal discharge, one of which is cervical mucus. The type of mucus your body produces provides clues to your fertility. You can check your cervical mucus using either your fingers or toilet paper. As your cycle progresses, your cervical mucus changes. In the average cycle, there are 3 to 4 dry days following a 5 day menstrual flow.

The mucus wetness increases daily, lasting approximately 9 days until the wettest day. Your mucus is easily recognized at this point. It should be abundant, slippery, clear, and very stretchy. It has been described as raw egg white. Ovulation occurs when you have your peak day of stretchy mucus (within two days).

In general, the fertile pattern of mucus changes from day to day, progressing from stickiness to slipperiness often with visible clear or cloudy strings of mucus until the Peak symptom, when the vulva is slippery, swollen and has a heightened sensitivity. At this time there may be very little or no mucus to be seen.

In order to use the cervical mucus method to identify your ovulation follow the few steps noted below:

Step 1: Collect the mucus from the vaginal opening with your fingers by wiping them from front to back.

Step 2: Record it daily on your fertility calendar by making note of the color (yellow, white, clear or cloudy), the consistency (thick, sticky, or stretchy) and the feel (dry, wet, sticky, slippery, stretchy).

Step 3: Ovulation is recorded on the day that your mucus is clearest, slippery and most stretchy.

For the first month, while observations are made, genital contact should not occur. Seminal fluid and secretions due to intercourse may delay learning mucus patterns.

3. Lower abdominal discomfort: About 51% of women actually feel discomfort or pain in their lower abdomen as the egg leaves the ovary. This condition is known as 'mittelschmerz', and it usually lasts from a few minutes to several hours. If you notice the same type of pain at roughly the same time each month, check the condition of your cervical mucus as well. Ovulatory pain can be a useful guide for some women.

4. Using Ovulation Predictor Kits:

Ovulation predictor kits determine whether the luteinizing hormone (LH) is detected. The luteinizing hormone is always present in your urine and increases 24-48 hours prior to ovulation. Therefore, the kits are supposed to detect whether you are going to ovulate but cannot ensure that you do ovulate.

The first step is to use the fertility awareness process to determine the best day to start testing based on your monthly cycle. Most ovulation tests may be used at any time of the day; some suggest first morning urine, but it is not required. For greater success, test about the same time each day and reduce your liquid intake for four hours beforehand.

When all factors are considered, ovulation will most likely occur about 24 hours after the time when you get a positive result for the lh surge on your ovulation predictor kit.

Women may have a high level of the LH if they have certain conditions such as polycystic ovaries, premature ovarian failure, or for women over age 40 who are experiencing per menopause. Any of these conditions could result in a false positive result on an ovulation predictor test.

According to sex selection theory, the following can encourage fertilization with male sperm:

1. Time of intercourse during the monthly cycle. Sex in relation to ovulation

You can increase your chances of having a boy by choosing the right time for intercourse. Because we know that the Y-sperm is faster and gets to the egg first. To improve your chances of conceiving a baby boy, abstain or use condoms until four days before ovulation, then abstain totally until 24 hours prior to ovulation, then you should have intercourse a day before ovulation, on the day of ovulation, and a day after it. This would allow the male sperm cells to swim off to the waiting female egg, and fertilize it before the slower swimming 'female' sperms reach their destination.

2. The pH of the women's vaginal environment.

When a woman who is trying to conceive a baby boy and times her conception attempt as close to ovulation as possible, her success will depend upon the pH of the reproductive tract at the time her ovum is released. If it is alkaline (a more alkaline environment favors boys.) she will be successful, however if it is acidic she will probably conceive a baby girl.
Note: Some women are naturally very acidic and have a hard time conceiving boys.

Here are the Safe and Natural ways to adjust your pH level:

Use deep penetration, and the rear-entry position, which will allow your partner to deposit sperm above the neck of the cervix, for fast entry into the uterus. The environment there is more alkaline, making easier for male sperm to survive.

Douche with two Tb of baking soda in 1 quart of water just prior to intercourse to encourage an alkaline vaginal environment.

Try to achieve orgasm at the same time your husband is ejaculating to lend in a more alkaline environment.

2-3 months before conception, start eating A diet that contributes to a boy conception:
Based on recent theories, what mothers eat can skew the chemical balance in the reproductive tract to favor a boy or a girl. According to this theory: girl-friendly diets are high in calcium and magnesium, but boy-friendly diets are high in potassium and sodium. Moreover, if you eat off the acidic foods, it will make your body more alkaline, and if you eat alkaline foods, it will make your body more acidic.

According to sex selection theory, the following can encourage fertilization female sperm:

1. Time of intercourse during the monthly cycle. Sex in relation to ovulation

You can increase your chances of having a girl by choosing the right time for intercourse. Because we know that Sperm carrying X-chromosomes lives longer and swims slower than male Y-carrying sperm. Therefore, if you have intercourse frequently (at least every other day) until 48 hours before ovulation then stop, you have a better chance of conceiving a girl, because the weaker y-sperms tend to die sooner and the x-sperms will be available in greater quantity whenever the egg is released.

2. The pH of the women's vaginal environment:

A more acidic environment favors girls, since it will kill the weaker y-sperms first, leaving a greater quantity of x-sperms available to fertilize the egg. On the other hand, a more alkaline environment favors boys.

Here are the Safe and Natural ways to adjust your pH level
Shallow penetration in the missionary position (man on top) will allow your partner to deposit sperm at the mouth of the cervix, which is said to favor the slow-moving sperm.

Avoid orgasm. This will help keep your vaginal environment highly acidic.
To increase acidity even more, use a vinegar and water douche preceding intercourse.

2-3 months before conception, start eating A diet that contributes to a girl conception

A diet high in calcium and magnesium including milk, beans, cereals, cheese and nuts will help keep your vaginal environment highly acidic.

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